Volunteer Scheduler ProVSP Help TopicsSetupVolunteers Removing a position or person from a schedule

Removing a position or person from a schedule

You can avoid unnecessary filled or unfilled spots appearing on your schedules by removing those positions from the open schedule in just a couple of clicks!

  1. Open the schedule. In the calendar view on the left-hand side, select the day on which the service occurs.
  2. Find the shift you wish to modify and click on the position that should be removed.
  3. Click on the icon of the person with a red "X" in front of them at the top of the schedule. If the position is filled with a volunteer, clicking this icon will remove the volunteer. Once the position is empty, clicking the button again will remove the unfilled position entirely. 

Tip: If you need to remove several positions at the same shift, you can hold the Control or Command key on your keyboard while selecting multiple positions. Then click the button to remove all of the assigned volunteers or unfilled positions.