Easily copy and paste a shift to a new day

When working with a schedule in VSP, you can easily clone shifts by copying a shift from one day and pasting the shift on another day. This can come in handy when creating irregular shifts within a longer schedule. When doing so, the number of required positions, any comments or description/location notes, as well as any volunteers that may be assigned to a job will be transferred.

  1. Open your schedule and click on the date where the shift is currently scheduled.
  2. Click on the date and time of the shift to highlight the entire shift. Click on the Edit menu at the top of the window and select "Copy."
  3. Click on the date where you would like this new shift to be scheduled. Click on the Edit menu at the top of the window and select "Paste." The shift and all required positions, any scheduled volunteers, and any description/location notes will be copied to the new date. If you want to, you can make minor adjustments to the cloned shift.