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Emailing new volunteers to introduce them to VSP

When first setting up VSP, many users send an email to all of their volunteers to introduce the new system. But what happens when you add new volunteers later on? To send an introductory email to just new volunteers, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to the Announcements pane on the left side of the program.
  2. Click the "+" button in the upper right, hover your cursor over "Templates >" in the drop-down menu and then select "Preconfigured." Choose "Intro Email: Update Request."
  3. Since this email introduces VSP as a new system, you will likely want to update the first paragraph to make it more of a welcome for new volunteers. Feel free to start by copying and pasting the sentences below:
    We are pleased to welcome you as a new volunteer! To make scheduling easier for everyone involved, we use a program called Volunteer Scheduler Pro.
  4. Next you want to set up the recipients of the email. In the "To" area, make sure "All volunteers" is selected and then check the "But only volunteers who pass | this filter..." box.
  5. When you check this box, the Edit Filter window will appear. From the menu on the left side, choose "Date created".
  6. Choose the date of the last time you sent out these Introductory Emails and click OK.
  7. To see a list of volunteers that the email will be sent to, click "Preview" and, whenever you are ready, click "Send to...".

NOTE: If your volunteers sign up using Enrollment forms, you can set up this email to be sent automatically to new volunteers when they submit the form. You can edit this email by going to your Web Terminal pane, clicking on "Web Terminal settings...", then Enrollments and "Edit Email Body...".