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Creating Custom Tokens to Limit Who Can See Information in an Email

Do you need to communicate a piece of information to some volunteers but not all of them in the midst of a larger email? Using custom tokens, you can specify that a specific set of text or even token information be shown only to volunteers who pass a filter. 

In this example, we are going to create a piece of information that lets volunteers in a specific job know who to contact if they have questions. 

Creating a Custom Token: 

1. From the Announcements pane inside of VSP click on the  Token menu.  Click on "Custom tokens" and then click on "Define custom tokens..."

2. Click the "New..." button to create a new custom token.  Give the token a descriptive name with no spaces.  Example: Job1LeaderContact.

4. Below the text area in the custom token area, check the box that says, "Only show this token for volunteers passing | this filter" and the filter window will open.  Here you can set the filter to specify who can see the schedule - for example, only volunteers who are qualified for Job 1. 

5. Click "OK" in the filter window to save your token. 

6. Click "Save" to save the custom token to be used.

7. Now, using the Token menu, go to "Custom Tokens" and you will see the token you created listed. 

This token will now appear throughout VSP to be used in the Announcements pane, automatic emails, and even the Web Terminal!