Volunteer Scheduler ProVSP Help TopicsCommunicationAnnouncementsHow do I print emails that can then be mailed to volunteers without internet access?

How do I print emails that can then be mailed to volunteers without internet access?

Using VSP's Announcements, you can print emails for volunteers without internet access, which ensures all of your volunteers stay informed. The tokens in the email body will be filled in when the email is printed - making it easy to generate and mail personalized letters to volunteers without email.

  1. Start in the Announcements pane in VSP. To load a preconfigured template to send to the volunteers, click on the "+" button in the upper right, hover your cursor over "Templates >" in the drop-down menu, click on "Preconfigured", and select the email you are going to send; for example, the "Schedule finalized" email. Make any edits.
  2. Click the "Save as draft" button at the bottom of the email and then click the down arrow next to "Open draft"  Click "Print to PDF" and click "Just for recipients without internet access"
  3. VSP will then allow you to download a copy of the letter for each individual that does not have an email address listed in VSP.

BONUS: Use the Mailing Labels pane inside of VSP to generate mailing labels just for volunteers without internet access to pair with the letter and voila! An envelope and a stamp and the letters are ready to go.