Volunteer Scheduler ProVSP Help TopicsCommunicationAnnouncementsWhy does my email address show as "[email protected]" when I send emails through the Announcements pane?

Why does my email address show as "[email protected]" when I send emails through the Announcements pane?

The “From" address section can be used to control the address from which the emails will appear to their recipients as having been sent. This is also the address to which any replies will be directed as well as notifications of any errors that are caused by invalid addresses, full mail boxes, etc. (The first time you send an email using the Announcements pane, you will automatically be prompted to enter a “From” address. The address you specify will automatically be used in future emails sent from the Announcements pane unless and until you change the “From” address by clicking the down arrow to the right of the "From" address and selecting "Manage senders...".)

Please note that the emails will appear to be from a slightly modified version of the “From” address that you provide, because they need to come from “@clients.volunteerschedulerpro.com” in order to ensure that they are not flagged as spam. Therefore the “From” address you provide will be modified so that it ends in “@clients.volunteerschedulerpro.com”.

Any email that is sent to your modified “From” address will automatically be forwarded to the actual “From” address.