Volunteer Scheduler ProVSP Help TopicsCommunicationAnnouncementsHow do I include volunteers' shift preferences or can't serve times in an email?

How do I include volunteers' shift preferences or can't serve times in an email?

Profile information can be conveyed to many volunteers at once using the tokens in the Announcements pane.  Click on the Token menu and the drop-down list will display various headings, such as "Profile Settings", "Preassignments and Teams", "Assigned Positions", etc.

To include this information in an email, simply go to the related section in the token menu and select the appropriate token.  To include shift preferences or any other information that can be found in a volunteer's profile, go to the "Profile Settings" section of the token menu, and insert the appropriate token - for shift preference, that would be the token called "{{ShiftPreferences}}".  The token to include can't serve times is located in the same section, and is called "{{CantServeTimes}}".